Telemetric Agrometeorological Network in Bulgaria

Telemetric Agrometeorological Network in Bulgaria

The problem is anything but specific to Bulgaria - agriculture that is using resources quite wastefully, from pesticides to fungicides, fertilizer and water.

These were not only being used excessively, but also at the wrong time - notwithstanding the availability of proven methods to remedy the above mentioned errors, optimizing and in most cases reducing the usage of resources.

Agricultural Meteorology Stations Were Required

In cooperation with a renowned manufacturer of agro-chemicals, a network of agro-meteorological stations needed to be installed. These would feed a variety of Decision Support Systems, to properly assess the timing and quantity of the applied resources.

Seven Fully Equipped Stations Installed

OTT HydroMet's ADCON partner ScientAct BG, was commissioned to install seven fully equipped agro-met stations in strategic locations all over the country, representative for the respective crop and micro-climatic zone.

Thanks to good mobile phone coverage at all sites, ADCON A753 addWAVE GPRS RTUs could be deployed with a full set of sensors for evapotranspiration and disease monitoring.

Data Collection, Processing and Distribution

For data collection, processing and distribution, a central server was set up at the same site to which all stations are connecting to an A850 Telemetry Gateway to deliver data.

Thanks to a broadband internet connection, advisors and users alike can access the server to work with the data and feed their customizable disease and irrigation models.

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Agricultural Meteorology

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