Product Number:
The OTT Parsivel² is a modern laser disdrometer for comprehensive measurement of all precipitation types. The Parsivel² captures both the size and speed of falling particles, classifying them into one of 32 separate size and velocity classes. The raw data are used to calculate the type, amount, intensity and kinetic energy of the precipitation, the visibility in the precipitation, and the equivalent radar reflectivity
The Parsivel² captures both the size and speed of falling particles by applied laser extinction method.
Classification into one of 32 separate size and velocity classes and particles distribution in numbers.
Distinction of type of present weather and calculation of the type, amount, intensity and kinetic energy of the precipitation, the visibility in the precipitation, and the equivalent radar reflectivity.
Automatic compensation of temperature induced error and laser fluctuation emittance.
Automatic compensation of contamination on optics by dust and aerosal layers.