OTT netDL 1000 IP Data Logger

OTT netDL 1000 IP Data Logger

Product Number: 55.552.001.9.0

Ethernet Capable

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The versatile OTT netDL 500 and 1000 data loggers were developed specifically for use in hydrology and meteorology stations. In addition to recording data, the data loggers are extremely low power and offer flexible data transfer options via the internet and mobile networks, providing a logging and telemetry solution for every project.


  • Flood Warning


Communication allrounder

Ethernet, USB-Host, USB-Device, RS-232, Satellite, Cellular, Industrial Communication

Various sensor interfaces

SDI-12, RS-485 (SDI-12), Modbus RTU, analogue-in (voltage and current), Impulse Input, Status Input

High data availability

Due to large memory and redundant communication, Multitasking capability for short polling cycles

Extreme low power

Extremely low power consumption allows prolonged use at remote locations

User friendly

Integrated display allows for easy local interaction

Remote mainteance

Using OTT Hydromet software the logger can be reached from all over the world via IP without the need of a static IP address.
